Issue Positions

Rural Agenda


Ashley supports…

Political Climate


Ashley supports…

  • De-escalating political tension by:

    • Implementing non-partisan ballots

    • Opening the primaries to all registered voters

  • Rank Choice Voting

  • Campaign Finance Reform

    • Small donor public financing of campaigns with matching

    • Campaign contribution caps and more transparency

Affordable Housing


Ashley supports…

Cooperative housing provides an alternative to the traditional methods of acquiring a primary residence and maintains affordability for future generations.

In addition to helping small towns grow their working class population, Cooperative housing will also help address homelessness in the long-term, the housing shortage crisis, create and maintain affordable housing, increase home ownership and help people start to build equity.

Mental Health and Homelessness


Ashley supports…

  • Funding mobile outreach, peer mentoring, inpatient and outpatient services

  • Increasing capacity at the Oregon State Hospital

  • Creating a multi-disciplinary approach to deliver comprehensive mental/social services 

  • Providing access to more resources for families to help their loved ones 

Climate Change and Wildfires


Ashley supports…

  • Improving the County’s electronic alert systems and adding additional fire alert cameras in our forests.

  • Restoring native flora to burnt areas and rebuilding communities lost to wildfires.

  • Streamlining the town restoration process for areas impacted by natural disaster.

  • Working with McKenzie River area community leaders devastated by wildfire to figure out the best way to support them and figure out what the State can improve on.

  • Addressing inadequate evacuation routes in rural communities

Local Farms and Agriculture


Ashley supports…

  • Helping farms increase direct sales, reduce production costs, increase worker efficiency and retention rates and diversifying crops and value-added enterprises to provide year-round work for employees.

  • Using the cost savings to pay for overtime hours for farmworkers.

Criminal Justice


Ashley Supports…

  • Diverting people who have behaviors stemming from mental health, addiction and survival into intensive case management services in lieu of incarceration- LEAD Program

  • Better preparing individuals for reintegration into the community post-incarceration

  • Eliminating barriers for people, who have served their sentence, to rejoin the workforce, education sector and housing market

  • Integrating public safety and social services



Ashley supports…

  • Providing culturally competent services, supports, and protection for immigrants and their families.

  • Alleviating language barriers that prevent this population from integrating into the community.

  • De-stigmatizing and encouraging mental health services to address the trauma of the immigration process and culture shock.